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                    編輯:清風 [ 2024-10-12 14:05:44 ] 文章來源:茂碩電源公眾號






                    · 國際品牌齊聚:眾多國際知名品牌將攜其最新照明產品和解決方案參展,共同展示照明行業的最新成果與發展趨勢。

                    · 專業交流平臺:展會期間,您將有機會與行業專家面對面交流,分享心得、探討合作,拓展您的商業網絡。

                    · 創新技術展示:展會將集中展示照明行業的最新技術成果,為您帶來一場視覺與科技的雙重盛宴。








                    聯系方式/Contact Information

                    - 電話/Tel:400 998 0018

                    - 郵箱/Email:info@mosopower.com

                    - 網站/Website:https://LED.mosopower.com

                    Exhibition Preview | MOSO invites you to the Hong Kong International Autumn Lighting Fair from October 27 to 30

                    The most important and influential professional lighting exhibition in Asia - the 2024 Hong Kong International Autumn Lighting Fair - is about to open! This event is not only a showcase for the latest lighting products and solutions, but also an excellent opportunity to network with industry experts and establish business relationships. Many internationally renowned brands will gather to showcase their latest lighting products and solutions, leading the new trends in the lighting industry.

                    MOSO Power, Illuminating the Future

                    MOSO will be located at booth 1D-C20 in the Hall of Famous Lights on the first floor. The company will be showcasing its latest smart power solutions, smart power products and high performance lighting solutions. We cordially invite you to visit our booth and explore the future trends of the lighting industry together.

                    Booth Details

                    Exhibition:Hong Kong International Lighting Fair(Autumn Edition)

                    Dates:27-30 October 2024

                    Venue:Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Center

                    Booth No.:1D-C20 (First Floor)

                    Registration Link

                    We look forward to meeting you in Hong Kong Let's experience the exciting future of the lighting industry together!

                    聯系方式/Contact Information

                    - 電話/Tel:400 998 0018

                    - 郵箱/Email:info@mosopower.com

                    - 網站/Website:https://LED.mosopower.com

                    熱點關鍵詞:LED顯示屏控制卡 | LED顯示屏控制軟件 | LED全彩顯示屏 | led廣告屏
                    • 分享到:
                    • TCL實業榮獲IFA2024多項大獎,展示全球科技創新力量
                    • 聚合力,信未來!海信商用顯示舉辦LED渠道招募大會暨新品發布會
                    • 廣州光影顯示元宇宙展,2025年5月27-30日,數字光影新篇章
                    • 科技感十足!海信商用顯示激光工程投影機助力寶來利來打造數字化展廳
                    • 海信商用顯示亮相第13屆廣西教育裝備展,助力廣西教育事業高質量發展

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                    本站實名:LED大屏網 | 國際域名:m.ceramicstonewaredinnerware.com 版權所有© 2009-2024 深圳中投傳媒有限公司  粵ICP備05041759號
                    熱點關鍵詞:LED顯示屏控制卡 | LED顯示屏控制軟件 | LED全彩顯示屏 | led廣告屏
                    郵箱:LED-100@3v.cn 客服QQ:點擊這里給我發消息  電話:+86-755-26391166  (十二線) 傳真:+86-755-26391166
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